
Reviews: Books

The Mystery of Time

Keith Seddon reviews The Philosophy of Time, edited by Robin Le Poidevin and Murray MacBeath.
[Issue 9: Summer 1994]

Will I Know Me In Heaven?

Les Reid reviews Immortality, an anthology edited and introduced by Paul Edwards.
[Issue 9: Summer 1994]

Eliminating the Experts

Jane Singleton reviews The Elimination of Morality: Reflections on Utilitarianism and Bioethics by Anne Maclean.
[Issue 9: Summer 1994]

God for Beginners

Anthony Thorpe reviews An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion by Brian Davies.
[Issue 8: Winter 1993/94]

Shadow of Spirit

Clive Marsh reviews Shadow of Spirit – Postmodernism and Religion, edited by Philippa Berry and Andrew Wernick.
[Issue 8: Winter 1993/94]

Recommended Reads

[Issue 8: Winter 1993/94]

Postmodernist Porn

Peter King reviews Libidinal Economy by Jean-Francois Lyotard.
[Issue 8: Winter 1993/94]

Textual Intercourse

John Green reviews Dissemination by Jacques Derrida (translated by Barbara Johnson).
[Issue 8: Winter 1993/94]


Geoff Wade reviews Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism by Fredric Jameson.
[Issue 7: Autumn 1993]

Moral Literacy: or How To Do The Right Thing by Colin McGinn

A review by Nicholas Everitt.
[Issue 7: Autumn 1993]

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