
Reviews: Films


Susan Hopkins isn’t clueless about feminism’s Nietzsche.
[Issue 109: August/September 2015]

Force Majeure

Thomas Wartenberg asks if you really know yourself.
[Issue 108: June/July 2015]

Death of a President

Terri Murray finds herself in a maze of mirrors, but has Jean Baudrillard as her guide.
[Issue 107: April/May 2015]

The Other Son

Thomas Wartenberg observes the family as politics.
[Issue 106: February/March 2015]

The Moral Countenance of Art

Emrys Westacott asks if we can really tell what it is that films and other art are either condemning or condoning.
[Issue 105: November/December 2014]

Reflections on the Death of Celluloid

Thomas Wartenberg looks at philosophy literally on film.
[Issue 104: September/October 2014]

The Shawshank Redemption

Alexander Hooke finds hell & existentialist hope in prison.
[Issue 102: May/June 2014]

Hannah Arendt

Yasemin Sari on a new film about a courageous thinker and her views on responsibility and the nature of evil.
[Issue 100: January/February 2014]

Dave Chappelle’s Block Party

Dharmender Dhillon asks what happened to the revolutionary potential of hip hop.
[Issue 99: November/December 2013]

Zombie Movie Morals (I)

Peter Stone thinks zombie films are about co-operation.
[Issue 96: May/June 2013]

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