
Themed Articles: Philosophy & the Paranormal

Philosophy & Divination

Trevor Curnow compares the reliability of oracles ancient and modern.
[Issue 42: July/August 2003]

Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences

Joe Fearn asks whether the idea of out of body experiences is intelligible.
[Issue 42: July/August 2003]

Why You Can’t Read My Mind

We had no idea that Paul MacDonald intended to write this article.
[Issue 42: July/August 2003]

The Paranormal, Urban Legends and Critical Thinking

Tim Madigan takes time out to tell some high school students a no-ghost story.
[Issue 42: July/August 2003]

What is Materialism?

Michael Philips on the shaky foundations of the most popular philosophical theory of modern times.
[Issue 42: July/August 2003]


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