

Hall of Fame

Some of the best/quirkiest/most enjoyable philosophy sites on the web. Several years’ worth of Philosophy Now award winners and featured websites.

Philosophy Media

Philosophy radio shows and podcasts

Philosophers and Scientists

Philosophy Now approached some of today's best-known philosophers (plus a few scientists whose work has inspired philosophical debate), and asked them for the addresses of their own personal websites.

Philosophy Videos

Clips of philosophers in action.

Dialogue and Debate

Sites to go to for a good natter.

Philosophical Humour

Still, you've got to laugh, haven't you?

Philosophy Publishers

Read all about it! Peruse the pages of the philosophy-pushers.

Societies and Groups

If you sincerely seek solitude in which to calmly cultivate contemplation, don't click here.

Picture Galleries

Pictures of philosophers. Only for those with strong nerves.

Philosophy Courses

Links to evening-based degree courses and distance learning courses for people with day jobs!

Philosophy Links Pages

Vast, well-organized collections of philosophy links.


An eclectic collection of sites that defy categorization. These sites range from the quirky to the scholarly and back.

Philosophy Arcade

Useful links for ordering Philosophy Now subscriptions, back issues, products and merchandise.

Philosophy Reference Resources

Encyclopedias and reference sources

Philosophy Resources for Schools

For those teaching or studying philosophy in schools.

Philosophy Games

For those who like to play

Philosophy Now in Arabic

Links to Arabic translations of Philosophy Now articles, made with our permission by various literary websites. مجلة الفلسفة الآن

Philosophy Now in Tamil

Links to Tamil translations of Philosophy Now articles, made with our permission.

Philosophy Now in Kurdish

Links to Kurdish translations of Philosophy Now articles.