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the bi-monthly magazine for everyone interested in ideas. Published since 1991, it was the winner of the 2016 Bertrand Russell Society Award. Please look around! You can read four articles free per month. To have complete access to the thousands of philosophy articles on this site

The Search for Meaning

Philosophers Exploring The Good Life

Philosophers Exploring The Good Life

Jim Mepham quests with philosophers to discover what makes a life good.

The Present Is Not All There Is To Happiness

The Present Is Not All There Is To Happiness

Rob Gilbert says don’t just live in the now.

What Is Life Worth?

What Is Life Worth?

Michael Allen Fox wonders whether life really is ‘a precious gift’.

Frankl & Sartre in Search of Meaning

Frankl & Sartre in Search of Meaning

Georgia Arkell compares logotherapy and atheistic existentialism.


The Search for Meaning
News: June/July 2024

News: June/July 2024

Last days of Plato revealed in new scroll • Philosophy dept chair arrested at protest • No future for Future of Humanity Institute — News reports by Anja Steinbauer


From Postmodernism to Metamodernism

From Postmodernism to Metamodernism

Christina Aziz asks whether metanarratives still matter, and if so, how.

Abelard & Carneades: Yes & No

Abelard & Carneades: Yes & No

Frank Breslin says ‘yes and no’ to presenting both sides of an argument.

Reality, Humanity & AI

Reality, Humanity & AI

Nafees Malik surveys our quest for truth, and asks if AI can help us discover more.

Is Driving Fossil-Fuelled Cars Immoral?

Is Driving Fossil-Fuelled Cars Immoral?

Rufus Duits asks when we can justify driving our carbon contributors.

Daniel C. Dennett (1942-2024)

Daniel C. Dennett (1942-2024)

Dan Hutto bids farewell to a friendly giant of philosophy.

Heraclitus (c. 500 BC)

Heraclitus (c. 500 BC)

Harry Keith lets flow a stream of ideas about permanence and change.


Three Types of Philosophy Text

The Art of Living: Three Types of Philosophy Text

Massimo Pigliucci organizes his library.

Does the Cosmos Have a Purpose?

Tallis in Wonderland: Does the Cosmos Have a Purpose?

Raymond Tallis argues intently against universal intention.


The Crisis of Culture by Olivier Roy

The Crisis of Culture by Olivier Roy

Théo Blanc draws on recent French philosophy to explore an idea of culture in crisis.

Sophie’s World: A Graphic Novel About the History of Philosophy by Jostein Gaarder, Vincent Zabus & Nicoby
The Exorcist: Believer

The Exorcist: Believer

Susan Hopkins is horrified, but in a thoughtful way.

I’ve Been Thinking by Daniel Dennett

I’ve Been Thinking by Daniel Dennett

Jane O’Grady is in two minds about Daniel Dennett.


A Philosopher’s Life

A Philosopher’s Life

by Dylan Skurka

The Two Dennises

The Two Dennises

Hannah Mortimer observes a close encounter of the same kind.

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