

The Crisis of Culture by Olivier Roy

Théo Blanc draws on recent French philosophy to explore an idea of culture in crisis.
[Issue 162: June/July 2024]

Sophie’s World: A Graphic Novel About the History of Philosophy by Jostein Gaarder, Vincent Zabus & Nicoby

Scott Parker reads a graphic novel version of Sophie’s World.
[Issue 162: June/July 2024]

The Exorcist: Believer

Susan Hopkins is horrified, but in a thoughtful way.
[Issue 162: June/July 2024]

I’ve Been Thinking by Daniel Dennett

Jane O’Grady is in two minds about Daniel Dennett.
[Issue 161: April/May 2024]

Failures of Forgivenes by Myisha Cherry

Ben Almassi learns that to forgive is complex.
[Issue 161: April/May 2024]

Ways of Being Alive by Baptiste Morizot

Dan Ray says we must change our minds to save the world.
[Issue 161: April/May 2024]

Witness for the Prosecution

Matt Qvortrup sees Agatha Christie meet Aristotle in Billy Wilder’s classic.
[Issue 161: April/May 2024]

The Rigor of Angels by William Egginton

Leonid Bilmes considers the problems we face if we assume our theories match reality.
[Issue 160: February/March 2024]

Sad Love by Carrie Jenkins

Stephen Anderson is sad about modern writings on love.
[Issue 160: February/March 2024]

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Shashwat Mishra introduces Ayn Rand’s massive novel promoting self-interest and laissez-faire capitalism.
[Issue 160: February/March 2024]

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