Truth by Simon Blackburn
Nick Everitt is unconvinced that what Simon Blackburn says about truth is true.
[Issue 141: December 2020 / January 2021]
Perfect Me by Heather Widdows
A ‘feminish’ book, reviewed by Stuart Hannabuss, reflects on beauty and otherness.
[Issue 141: December 2020 / January 2021]
Xenofeminism by Helen Hester
A ‘feminish’ book, reviewed by Dharmender Dhillon, reflects on beauty and otherness.
[Issue 141: December 2020 / January 2021]
On Not Being Someone Else by Andrew H. Miller
Alexandre Leskanich looks wistfully at all the lives he and we haven’t led.
[Issue 141: December 2020 / January 2021]
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Siobhain Lash argues that you can sometimes be to blame even when you couldn’t have done differently.
[Issue 141: December 2020 / January 2021]
Doing Valuable Time by Cheshire Calhoun
James Wakefield finds out that meaning need not be monumental.
[Issue 140: October/November 2020]
Enduring Time by Lisa Baraitser
Amber Edwards explores suspended time.
[Issue 140: October/November 2020]
The Meaning of Travel by Emily Thomas
Stephen Leach discovers the meaning of travel without moving from his desk.
[Issue 140: October/November 2020]
Jack Murphy sees society’s morals faltering in a family feud.
[Issue 140: October/November 2020]
The Existentialist’s Survival Guide by Gordon Marino
We get existential as Doug Phillips says you have to keep punching until the final bell.
[Issue 139: August/September 2020]
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