Issue 21

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Issue 21: Summer/Autumn 1998


In Bad Taste

by Rick Lewis


News: Summer/Autumn 1998

London debates • the Pope pronounces • New York certifies • the £2000 Encyclopaedia • Lyotard Dies • Hoerster Gagged • Philosophy For All


Appeal to the Intellectuals of the World

by Obrad Savic

Drinks & Thinks

More news from the philosophy cafés and pubs, compiled by Bryn Williams.

Ockham, Hume & Epistemic Wisdom

William Grey launches an all-out attack on the paranormal armed with a couple of razors honed with the whetstone of scepticism.

The discarded Lemon: Kant, prostitution and respect for persons

Timothy J. Madigan thinks Kant’s duty-based ethics could approve of prostitution.

The Philosopher as Lover

Continuing our series of personal interpretations of philosophy, Peter Rickman extols the passionate philosopher.

Virtue ethics and the New Testament

Which matter most: virtues or duties? Bob Harrison thinks the early Christians had the answer.

What is natural about Natural Rights?

Do Natural Rights exist? Michael Birshan investigates one of the more persistent political assertions of the modern world in this prize-winning essay.

What’s New in…. Philosophy of Religion

Daniel Hill describes how the work of Alvin Plantinga has revolutionised Philosophy of Religion.


Much Ado About Consciousness

Philosophy of Mind is a very exciting area in modern philosophy. One of those stirring up the dust is David Chalmers, an Australian philosopher who says that consciousness is a fundamental component of the universe, like space, time and mass. Andrew Chrucky asked the questions.



Philosophical Counselling • Freewill & Predestination • Relativism • Suicide • Time • On Being a Philosopher and a Christian (Issue 16)


Peg’s Piece

Philosophy Now’s own columnist Peg Tittle asks why we are all so afraid of silence.


Foucault and the Political by Jon Simons

Peter Benson considers the politics of Michel Foucault.

The Aesthetics of Music by Roger Scruton

Jane O’Grady describes the musical mysticism of Roger Scruton.

Wittgenstein: Rethinking the Inner by Paul Johnston

Dan Hutto ponders what Ludwig Wittgenstein said about the inner life.


Poetry: Circe Maia

Circe Maia, of Uruguay, is one of the leading literary figures in contemporary Latin America. She is also a teacher of philosophy. These poems were translated by Brian Cole with the support of the author.

John Scotus

A short story about a philosopher during the dark ages by Joanna Motyl.

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