Issue 60

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Issue 60: March/April 2007


All The World’s A Text?

by Rick Lewis


News: March/April 2007

Wrestler turns philosophical • Millikan named woman philosopher of the year • Baudrillard dead at 77 — News reports by Sue Roberts


A Position On Derrida

Nazenin Ruso explains where and why he agrees with Derrida’s approach to texts.

Derrida: Thinking The Impossible

Roger Caldwell considers whether it’s possible to consider Derrida.

Don Quixote and The Narrative Self

Stefán Snaevarr asks, are our identities created by narratives?

Fictional Truths

Tony Milligan tells a story about the idea of implied truths in fiction.

What is an Author?

What’s in a name? Marnie Binder asks if it matters who’s writing, and other questions of authorship.

Why Emerson is Much Too Smart to be a Philosopher

Nancy Bunge considers Emerson as a philosopher, to show that he is a poet.


Islamic Rationalism

Rationalism is the attitude of appealing to reason as the fundamental justification of knowledge or beliefs. Imadaldin Al-Jubouri describes the disputes among early Islamic scholars about the limits of what can be known through science and rationality.

The Trial of Socrates: The Latest

Peter Rickman drops in on the Athenian court, still convening after millennia.

Why You Shouldn’t Be A Person Of Principle

Ramsey McNabb introduces moral particularism.


James Guetti (1937-2007)

Rupert Read reports.



Our fourteenth pedantic philosopher’s philological predicament, prone and perpendicular, puzzlefully and precisely put in place by Deiradiotes.



The Truth About Music • Impossible Reality • As Lack Of Evidence… • Not Bewitched • Private Language Studies • The Illogical Existence of God • Free To Be Good • Post Post Post • Bile For Bile


Dear Socrates

Having returned from the turn of the Fourth Century B.C. to the turn of the Twenty-First A.D., Socrates has eagerly signed on as a Philosophy Now columnist so that he may continue to carry out his divinely-inspired dialogic mission. Aptly, today he answers another letter from a very persistent A. Theist.

The Usefulness of Theory

by Joel Marks


Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership by Martha Nussbaum

Jean Chambers witnesses Martha Nussbaum raise a high bar for standards of international social justice.

The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf

Ernest Dempsey gives a feminist analysis of Virginia Woolf’s first novel.

Shakespeare in Hollywood

Francis Akpata argues that Shakespeare would be a film director not a playwright in today’s high-media world.


The Philosopher’s Death

A short story by Stafford Betty. (Warning – not for those of a nervous disposition!)

Language Tinder

by Ivan Brady