Issue 8

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Issue 8: Winter 1993/94


On Religion

by Rick Lewis


News: Winter 1993/94


Eating People: A Sceptical View

by Peter Mottley

Foundations of Analytical Philosophy, Part 1: Early Analytical Philosophy

Daniel Hutto on the origins of a major 20th Century school of thought.

God and Evil

If God is such a nice guy, why is there so much misery and suffering in the world? Kola Abimbola examines an ancient problem.

How to be Car-Free

by Tim Chappell

Moral Education

Graham Haydon on this year’s hot topic.

Mummy, Mummy, what’s Russell’s Paradox?

Philosophy of Religion

Poetry and Biography

Roger Caldwell on meaning and innocence.

Santa is Irrelevant

Sue Johnson replies to Les Reid’s attack on religion.

The 1993 Joint Session

Some personal impressions by Our Special Correspondent.


Letters to the Editor

In Defence of Religion • Oaks and Acorns • Nietzsche Calls


God for Beginners

Anthony Thorpe reviews An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion by Brian Davies.

Postmodernist Porn

Peter King reviews Libidinal Economy by Jean-Francois Lyotard.

Recommended Reads

Shadow of Spirit

Clive Marsh reviews Shadow of Spirit – Postmodernism and Religion, edited by Philippa Berry and Andrew Wernick.

Textual Intercourse

John Green reviews Dissemination by Jacques Derrida (translated by Barbara Johnson).


Philosophers Rule OK?

Tim Ogden thinks not.