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Tag: "Hume"

Kant versus Hume on the Necessary Connection

Stuart Greenstreet finds that free will and determinism really do go together.
[Issue 49: January/February 2005: Immanuel Kant]

From Hume to Tillich: Teaching Faith & Benevolence

Nancy Bunge was taught philosophy by two of the 20th century’s greatest thinkers, Willard Quine and Paul Tillich. She remembers the profound effect of Tillich’s ideas.
[Issue 38: October/November 2002: Articles]

The Problem of Dismissing Induction

The problem of induction, pointed out by David Hume, continues to baffle scientists and philosophers. Theo Clark explains why.
[Issue 34: December 2001 / January 2002: Articles]

When it Comes to the Crunch

Trevor Emmott probes David Hume’s unreasonable view of cause and effect.
[Issue 27: June/July 2000: Articles]

Ockham, Hume & Epistemic Wisdom

William Grey launches an all-out attack on the paranormal armed with a couple of razors honed with the whetstone of scepticism.
[Issue 21: Summer/Autumn 1998: Articles]

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