Tag: "Islamic philosophy"
Ibn Khaldun and the Philosophy of History
Imadaldin Al-Jubouri on the medieval Islamic philosopher who pioneered the scientific understanding of history.
[Issue 50: March/April 2005: Medieval Philosophy]
Human Acts in Islamic Philosophy
Are our actions really free or are they determined by God’s will? Imadaldin Al-Jubouri on a controversy that divided Muslim philosophers.
[Issue 47: August/September 2004: Philosophy of Religion]
M.J. Akbar
M.J. Akbar is the editor of The Asian Age newspaper and author of a new book, The Shade of Swords, in which he seeks to clairify the meaning of ‘Jihad’. He recently talked with Philosophy Now.
[Issue 37: August/September 2002: Interview]
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
[Issue 30: December 2000 / January 2001: The Library of Living Philosophers]
It Was Islam That Did It
Edward Ingram explains the West’s debt to the Islamic philosophers.
[Issue 23: Spring 1999: Philosophy Around the World]
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