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Tag: "aesthetics"

The Aesthetics of Music by Roger Scruton

Jane O’Grady describes the musical mysticism of Roger Scruton.
[Issue 21: Summer/Autumn 1998: Books]

Art: Reaching for the Sublime

Peter Benson replies to Colin Radford’s ‘Art: The Demotion Derby’.
[Issue 18: Summer 1997: Articles]

Beauty & Science

Marilyn Kane wonders what scientists mean when they say nature is beautiful.
[Issue 17: Spring 1997: Articles]

Art: the Demolition Derby

Colin Radford considers the wonderful world of modern art.
[Issue 17: Spring 1997: Articles]

The Launch of Nocturnal Records

Mark Daniels ponders a novel experience – his first ever rave.
[Issue 17: Spring 1997: Articles]

Value, Ideology and Context

by Geoff Wade
[Issue 5: Spring 1993: Articles]

Aesthetics and Absolutes

Ralph Blumenau criticizes critics of criticism.
[Issue 3: Summer 1992: Articles]

The Ideology of the Aesthetic by Terry Eagleton

A review by Geoff Wade.
[Issue 1: Summer 1991: Books]

Music and Personal Association

by Gordon Giles
[Issue 1: Summer 1991: Articles]

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