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Tag: "continental philosophy"

Eroticism by Georges Bataille

Mark Price uncovers an urgent, thrusting book about love, sex, death and spirituality by Georges Bataille.
[Issue 46: May/June 2004: Books]

Alien Ideas

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 23: Spring 1999: Editorial]

Interview with Tu Wei-ming

Harvard philosopher Tu Wei-ming is the most famous advocate of the Confucian tradition outside China. Anja Steinbauer talked to him in Boston.
[Issue 23: Spring 1999: Philosophy Around the World]

World Philosophies by Ninian Smart

Joseph Sen reviews a new book on the world’s philosophies.
[Issue 23: Spring 1999: Books]

The Dangers of Moral Certainty

Peter Lloyd savages the “continental” approach to moral philosophy.
[Issue 15: Spring/Summer 1996: Ethics]

The anachronism of morality

Innes Crellin attacks the cold logic of English moral philosophy.
[Issue 14: Winter 1995/96: Articles]

Dead Bored: Debord’s Dead!

Andrew Hussey on the death of a turbulent thinker.
[Issue 14: Winter 1995/96: Articles]

The Spirit of the Age

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 10: Autumn 1994: Editorial]

A Gentle Introduction to Structuralism, Postmodernism And All That

John Mann explains what the Continentals are up to these days.
[Issue 10: Autumn 1994: Articles]

On Dialogue

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 7: Autumn 1993: Editorial]

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