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Tag: "education"

Blackwell Companion to the Philosophy of Education

John Mann finds his encounter with a Blackwell Companion most educational.
[Issue 52: August/September 2005: Books]

This Philosophical Life

Chris Fotinopoulos on growing up to become a philosopher, on good and bad education and on Socratic dialogue in high schools.
[Issue 51: June/July 2005: Learning & Teaching]

Education versus Training

City, Liverpool John Moore, Swansea, Northampton ... once again university philosophy departments across Britain are closing or under threat. Peter Rickman makes the case for universities that educate as well as train.
[Issue 47: August/September 2004: Articles]

Dear Socrates

Having returned from the turn of the Fourth Century B.C. to the turn of the Twenty-First A.D., Socrates has eagerly signed on as a Philosophy Now columnist so that he may continue to carry out his divinely-inspired dialogic mission.
[Issue 46: May/June 2004: Dear Socrates]

Two Imperatives in Education: change of culture v. transmission of the status quo

by Chris Ormell
[Issue 9: Summer 1994: Articles]

What Shall We Tell The Children?

An interview with National Curriculum Council Chairman David Pascall.
[Issue 6: Summer 1993: Articles]

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