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Tag: "emotions"

Can We Be Happy?

Kathleen O’Dwyer sets out to conquer herself, with help from Bertrand Russell.
[Issue 80: August/September 2010: The Human Condition]

Compassion & Peace

Michael Allen Fox advocates the seeking of peace through compassion.
[Issue 80: August/September 2010: Articles]

Happiness, Virtue and Tyranny

Matthew Pianalto looks at the difference between psychological and philosophical concepts of happiness.
[Issue 68: July/August 2008: Psychology]

Nietzsche & Schopenhauer On Compassion

Timothy J. Madigan explains the crucial distinction between compassion and pity.
[Issue 29: October/November 2000: Nietzsche]

Whatever Happened to Happiness?

Adam Potkay says there was always much more to happiness than just feelin’ good. He argues that we should once again recognise that the good life is the happy life.
[Issue 27: June/July 2000: Articles]

The Philosopher as Lover

Continuing our series of personal interpretations of philosophy, Peter Rickman extols the passionate philosopher.
[Issue 21: Summer/Autumn 1998: Articles]

Peg’s Piece

Philosophy Now’s new columnist Peg Tittle has doubts about the benefits of Inner Peace.
[Issue 20: Spring 1998: Peg’s Piece]

Is Grief Self-Regarding?

Christiane Pohl considers grief from a philosophical perspective.
[Issue 17: Spring 1997: Articles]

Emotions: A Defence of Irrationality

Carole Haynes-Curtis on stuffed tigers, pink elephants and Mr. Spock.
[Issue 12: Spring/Summer 1995: Articles]

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