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Tag: "environmental philosophy"

Whose Environment Is It?

by Joel Marks
[Issue 66: March/April 2008: Moral Moments]

The Ancient Cynics: The First Environmentalists

Tim Madigan asks, why did the featherless biped cross the road?
[Issue 65: January/February 2008: Green Philosophy]

GM vs Climate Change

Andrew Lewis considers the ethics of using GM to help prevent global warming.
[Issue 65: January/February 2008: Green Philosophy]

Are Philosophers Responsible for Global Warming?

Nicholas Maxwell says we need a total rethink concerning the way we think.
[Issue 65: January/February 2008: Green Philosophy]

The Metaphysics of Nature

Rich Grego compares John Dewey’s and Martin Heidegger’s views on ecology.
[Issue 65: January/February 2008: Green Philosophy]

Nature & Nurture

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 65: January/February 2008: Editorial]

Mocking Nature

Paul Keeling reacts with a Green perspective on religious insult.
[Issue 65: January/February 2008: Green Philosophy]

Deep Ecology & Virtue Ethics

Warwick Fox on an approach to the environment which is also a way of living.
[Issue 26: April/May 2000: Ethics]

Philosophy on the Internet

[Issue 16: Autumn 1996: Articles]

Cars on the Carpet

Geoffrey Scarre responds to Tim Chappell with a qualified defence of motoring.
[Issue 9: Summer 1994: Articles]

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