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Tag: "ethics"

Who’s To Say?

Michael-John Turp asks if anyone has the authority to establish moral truth.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023: Metaethics]

The Opposite of Virtue

by Yahia Lababidi
[Issue 156: June/July 2023: Poetry]

Right & Wrong About Right & Wrong

Paul Stearns argues against moral relativism and moral presentism.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023: Metaethics]

Ethical Truth in Light of Quantum Mechanics

Iain King and Myles King contend that physics helps us understand ethics.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023: Metaethics]

Consequentialism at the Pearly Gates

by Daniel Galef
[Issue 156: June/July 2023: Poetry]

Can You Be Both A Moral Rationalist & A Moral Sentimentalist?

Andrew Kemle says that evolutionary forces give us the answer.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023: Metaethics]

The Six Core Virtues

Massimo Pigliucci finds six ethical ideals shared by all cultures.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023: The Art of Living]

When Animals Dream by David M. Pena-Guzman

Nick Everitt is skeptical about animals dreaming.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023: Books]

The Horror Anomaly

Daniel Toré contemplates the ethics of finding pleasure in displeasure.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023: Films]

Utilitarian Strategies

A comic by Corey Mohler about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023: Existential Comics]

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