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Tag: "ethics"

Defending Animal Rights by Tom Regan

Lisa Kemmerer cheers on Tom Regan as he defends the idea of animals having rights.
[Issue 36: June/July 2002: Books]

Moral Relativism & Cultural Chauvinism

Members of different cultures with different values and beliefs come into frequent conflict, sometimes violent. Exploiter or entrepreneur? Murderer or martyr? “Great Satan” or “Great – Santa!” Gerald Lang asks if we can still pass judgment.
[Issue 36: June/July 2002: Articles]

Body Worlds, The Atlantis Gallery, London

Chris Bloor found Body Worlds, an unusual show of dead bodies in London, to be essential viewing.
[Issue 36: June/July 2002: Exhibitions]

R.M. Hare (1919-2002)

by Piers Benn
[Issue 35: March/April 2002: Obituary]

The Mouse That Roared

by Joel Marks
[Issue 34: December 2001 / January 2002: Moral Moments]

Ethics & Interplanetary Exploration

Dan McArthur wonders how we should treat the locals…
[Issue 34: December 2001 / January 2002: Science Fiction]

The Ethics of Star Trek by Barad & Robertson

Ken Marsalek is confronted by a bunch of Socratic starship captains in The Ethics of Star Trek.
[Issue 34: December 2001 / January 2002: Books]

The Ethics of Tit-for-Tat

Massimo Pigliucci on game theory, rational egoism and the evolution of fairness.
[Issue 33: September/October 2001: Articles]

Why Feminists Should Oppose Feminist Virtue Ethics

Some feminists say women should forget old-fashioned ethical rules and focus on developing positive aspects of their characters. Not so, says Sarah Conly.
[Issue 33: September/October 2001: Feminisms]

The Right Way to Make a Left Turn

by Joel Marks
[Issue 32: June/July 2001: Moral Moments]

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