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Tag: "feminist philosophy"

Nature Ethics: An Ecofeminist Perspective by Marti Kheel

Lisa Kemmerer analyses a feminist analysis of hunting.
[Issue 75: September/October 2009: Books]

Becoming A Woman: Simone de Beauvoir on Female Embodiment

Felicity Joseph finds that sometimes it’s hard to become a woman.
[Issue 69: September/October 2008: Simone de Beauvoir]

The Accents of Her Ruby Lips

Annina Lehmann argues that wearing lipstick is a choice which shows that though we’re influenced by society, we can still make decisions about who we want to be.
[Issue 69: September/October 2008: Simone de Beauvoir]

The Second Sex

Sally Scholz traces the major currents of Simone de Beauvoir’s main work.
[Issue 69: September/October 2008: Simone de Beauvoir]

The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf

Ernest Dempsey gives a feminist analysis of Virginia Woolf’s first novel.
[Issue 60: March/April 2007: Books]

Feminism Wrecked My Yoga Class

Reflections on Critique and Freedom by Karen Kachra.
[Issue 46: May/June 2004: Articles]

Nietzsche’s Women in The Gay Science

Linda Williams spots jewels within Nietzsche’s aphoristic archive of sexism.
[Issue 41: May/June 2003: Articles]

Using the F-Word in Philosophy Classes

Ellen Miller on the word which can generate so much instant hostility and misunderstanding.
[Issue 39: December 2002 / January 2003: Articles]

Jennifer Hornsby

Jennifer Hornsby is a philosopher based at London’s Birkbeck College, whose interests range from feminism to philosophy of mind. Giancarlo Marchetti talked with her recently at a conference in Italy.
[Issue 36: June/July 2002: Interview]


Thomas Wartenberg watches a radical movie about some unlikely couples grappling with homophobia, feminist ideology and each other in a 1970s Swedish commune… and enjoys it!
[Issue 36: June/July 2002: Films]

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