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Tag: "language"

Derrida On Language

Peter Benson tells us what language is and isn’t according to Jacques Derrida.
[Issue 100: January/February 2014: Philosophy and Language]

To Express It Is To Explain It

Akilesh Ayyar explains Proust’s and Deleuze’s takes on enigmatic messages.
[Issue 100: January/February 2014: Philosophy and Language]

Naming Airy Nothings

Raymond Tallis maps the gaps between language and reality.
[Issue 98: September/October 2013: Tallis in Wonderland]

Good News from Neurology – But Don’t Get The Wrong Idea

Francis Fallon thinks about the difficulty of deciphering thought in the brain.
[Issue 97: July/August 2013: Articles]

Trying Herder

Dale DeBakcsy listens to the lost voice of the Eighteenth Century’s greatest Twenty-First-Century thinker.
[Issue 97: July/August 2013: Articles]

“Nobody Said Anything”

Meghan Bidwell ponders language and silence in the short stories of Raymond Carver and Ernest Hemingway.
[Issue 94: January/February 2013: Reading, Writing, Thinking]

Donald Davidson: A Short Introduction by Kathrin Glüer

David Fraser is introduced to Donald Davidson’s thinking by Kathrin Glüer.
[Issue 94: January/February 2013: Books]

Language: The Cultural Tool by Daniel Everett

Antony Tomlinson discusses the language culture of Daniel Everett.
[Issue 92: September/October 2012: Books]

How Does Language Work?

The following answers to the question of linguistic meaning each win a random book.
[Issue 90: May/June 2012: Question of the Month]

Film Socialisme

Sean Gittins has a different view of film, courtesy of Jean-Luc Godard.
[Issue 89: March/April 2012: Films]

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