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Tag: "life & death"

Death, ‘Deathlessness’ & Existenz in Karl Jaspers’ Philosophy by Filiz Peach

Kurt Salaman cheers himself up by considering Karl Jaspers’ views on death and the experience of the eternal in life.
[Issue 72: March/April 2009: Books]

Paternalism and the Law

Barbara Hands considers whether it is ever right for the law to limit your freedom of choice and action, for your own good.
[Issue 71: January/February 2009: Articles]

Highgate Cemetery

Shanta Acharya feels gentle intimations.
[Issue 70: November/December 2008: Poetry]

From Loving To Wolfing

Peter Cave toys with love, sex and other objects.
[Issue 67: May/June 2008: Provocations Philosophical]

On Not Choosing The Alternative

Raymond Tallis reflects on living longer.
[Issue 66: March/April 2008: Tallis in Wonderland]

Kant On Suicide

Paul Edwards disagrees with Kant in this recently-discovered paper.
[Issue 61: May/June 2007: Articles]

The Philosopher’s Death

A short story by Stafford Betty. (Warning – not for those of a nervous disposition!)
[Issue 60: March/April 2007: Fiction]

The Near Death Experience as Evidence for Life After Death

A dialogue by Stafford Betty.
[Issue 59: January/February 2007: Science Connections]

Heavenly Thoughts

John Donnelly explores a whole tangle of difficulties with the concept of heaven.
[Issue 43: October/November 2003: Articles]

Of Men and Mice

by Roger Caldwell
[Issue 42: July/August 2003: Poetry]

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