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Tag: "love & desire"

What Is Love?

The following answers to this crucial question each win a signed copy of Mark Vernon’s new book, The Meaning of Friendship.
[Issue 81: October/November 2010: Question of the Month]


Colin Brookes sees perspectives representational and moral in Hanif Kureishi’s oblique study of love.
[Issue 72: March/April 2009: Films]

John Humphrey Noyes: Philosopher of Bible Communism

David White contemplates a life of sex and sermons.
[Issue 70: November/December 2008: Utopia]

Only Human

Peter Worley’s heroine discovers that love goes deeper than the senses can penetrate.
[Issue 69: September/October 2008: Fiction]

Plato is my dog, yo!: Dogs, Love and Truth

Jeremy Barris enlists the help of Plato, Ortega and pragmatist philosophy to argue that love at its deepest is our connection with ultimate truth, and that this connection is found in our love for our dogs.
[Issue 67: May/June 2008: Animals]

Christopher Phillips

Christopher Phillips is known for promoting the art of Socratic enquiry in cafés, schools and even prisons all over the globe. David Taube met him to talk about his new book, Socrates In Love, a series of anecdotes, interviews and essays based around the five Greek concepts of love.
[Issue 62: July/August 2007: Interview]

The Book of Love

A short story about love by Alistair Fruish.
[Issue 51: June/July 2005: Short Story]

The Liar Lied

Neil Lefebvre and Melissa Schehlein give an intuitive solution to the famous Liar Paradox.
[Issue 51: June/July 2005: Logic]

Love & Logic

After he fell in love, John Dewey became one of the greatest of American thinkers. Nancy Bunge describes Alice Chipman’s impact on Dewey’s Psychology.
[Issue 45: March/April 2004: Articles]

Is Homosexuality ‘Bad Faith’?

Terri Murray says that Jean-Paul Sartre was simply wrong about gay people and self-deception.
[Issue 39: December 2002 / January 2003: Articles]

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