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Tag: "philosophy & living"

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Our film columnist Thomas Wartenberg ponders the pitfalls of cross-cultural coupling as he watches this season’s romantic comedy hit My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
[Issue 40: March/April 2003: Films]

Philosophy & Living by Ralph Blumenau

Roger Caldwell is provoked by Ralph Blumenau’s new history of philosophy.
[Issue 39: December 2002 / January 2003: Books]

Uncertainty and Public Policy

Richard Taylor tells us why public policies always go wrong…
[Issue 37: August/September 2002: Articles]

What Can You Do With Philosophy, Anyway?

Jeremiah Conway says that philosophy is profoundly useless but incredibly worthwhile.
[Issue 36: June/July 2002: Articles]

Philosophy and the Panopticon

Surveillance cameras watch our every move. They reduce crime and maybe save lives. So why the fuss about privacy? Scott O’Reilly discusses the technologies of control.
[Issue 36: June/July 2002: Articles]

Heidegger, Metaphysics & Wheelbarrows

Richard Oxenberg gives a poetic introduction to Heidegger’s Being and Time.
[Issue 32: June/July 2001: Existentialism]

The Sound of Action

In the latest in our series of personal views of philosophy, Lisa Kemmerer describes how thinking changes lives…
[Issue 30: December 2000 / January 2001: Articles]

Apt Apologies

by Joel Marks
[Issue 30: December 2000 / January 2001: Moral Moments]

Needs & Wants

Peg Tittle wonders if she can be happy alone without feeling guilty about it.
[Issue 28: August/September 2000: Articles]

Ethical Emergency

Carl Maxim is the Bill Gates of philosophy.
[Issue 25: Winter 1999/2000: Fiction]

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