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Tag: "political philosophy"

“I have a philosophical secret!”

The lowest-rated Jerry Springer show ever.
[Issue 28: August/September 2000: Fiction]

Alexander Zinoviev

Alexander Zinoviev is a scientist, a writer, a painter, and a member of the Department of Ethics at Moscow State University. The author of many books analysing contemporary society, he was for over twenty years an exile in Germany, and became a German citizen. Now he has returned to Russia. This interview is by his colleague in the Department of Ethics, Professor Alexander Razin (a contributing editor of Philosophy Now).
[Issue 26: April/May 2000: Interview]

Medicine, Politics & Atrocities

Jonathan Glover is one of the leading figures in medical ethics, but he is also interested in political philosophy. Paul Sheehy interviewed him recently at King’s College London.
[Issue 22: Winter 1998/99: Interview]

Foucault and the Political by Jon Simons

Peter Benson considers the politics of Michel Foucault.
[Issue 21: Summer/Autumn 1998: Books]

Appeal to the Intellectuals of the World

by Obrad Savic
[Issue 21: Summer/Autumn 1998: Articles]

In Bad Taste

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 21: Summer/Autumn 1998: Editorial]

Discontented Democrat

Michael Gough reviews Democracy’s Discontent: America in Search of a Public Philosophy by Michael J. Sandel.
[Issue 17: Spring 1997: Books]

Orwell and Philosophy

Martin Tyrrell on a champion of common sense.
[Issue 16: Autumn 1996: Articles]

On Being Politically Incorrect

Piers Benn makes some deeply suspect observations.
[Issue 3: Summer 1992: Articles]

“The Great Equaliser”

by Mike Fuller
[Issue 1: Summer 1991: Articles]

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