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Tag: "teaching philosophy"

Philosophy For Children

by David Boersema
[Issue 84: May/June 2011: Editorial]

“Can Animals Think?”: Talking Philosophy With Children

Robert Fisher finds wisdom in the mouths of infants.
[Issue 84: May/June 2011: Philosophy & Children]

Picture Book Philosophy

Thomas Wartenberg explains his method of introducing philosophy to children.
[Issue 84: May/June 2011: Philosophy & Children]

The Challenge of Moral Education

Wendy Turgeon on ways of getting children to think about values.
[Issue 84: May/June 2011: Philosophy & Children]

What Would Socrates Say To Mrs Smith?

Susan Gardner gets some childcare tips from the wisest man in ancient Athens.
[Issue 84: May/June 2011: Philosophy & Children]

How Children Made Me A Better Philosopher

Rory Kraft, Jr. tells us how philosophical thinking can be youthfully enhanced.
[Issue 84: May/June 2011: Philosophy & Children]

Peter Worley

Peter Worley runs The Philosophy Shop in London with his wife Emma. Rick Lewis asks him about teaching philosophy to kids.
[Issue 84: May/June 2011: Interview]

News: January/February 2011

Philosophy Day row irks Iran • Mindreading computers • Philodcasts? • French toddlers play with ideas — News reports by Sue Roberts
[Issue 82: January/February 2011: News]

Philosophy Through Science Fiction

Liz Stillwaggon Swan thinks through sci fi.
[Issue 80: August/September 2010: Books]

Education’s End: Why Our Colleges And Universities Have Given Up On The Meaning of Life by Anthony Kronman

Mark Huston ponders Anthony Kronman’s arguments about why universities don’t teach the meaning of life.
[Issue 73: May/June 2009: Books]

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