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Tag: "time"

Henri Bergson and the Perception of Time

Know the name, can’t quite recall what he thought? John-Francis Phipps explains the surprising ideas of the philosopher of vitalism.
[Issue 48: October/November 2004: Consciousness]


Ellen Klein reviews a poignant and thoughtful film from her adopted home town of Sarajevo – Remake.
[Issue 44: January/February 2004: Films]

Did the World Have a Beginning?

Mark Goldblatt on a medieval debate with modern echoes.
[Issue 44: January/February 2004: Articles]

Forever Now

by Joel Marks
[Issue 41: May/June 2003: Moral Moments]

Collected Moments

A short story by Stephen Loveless.
[Issue 22: Winter 1998/99: Short Story]

Killing Time

Cliff Stagoll on the strange case of John McTaggart, who didn’t believe in time.
[Issue 20: Spring 1998: Articles]

Time Stands Still

Jeremy Hueting on the perception of time.
[Issue 10: Autumn 1994: Articles]

The Mystery of Time

Keith Seddon reviews The Philosophy of Time, edited by Robin Le Poidevin and Murray MacBeath.
[Issue 9: Summer 1994: Books]

Precognition and Backwards Causation

by Keith Seddon
[Issue 2: Winter 1991: Articles]

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