


Literature is Vital • Passion For Peace! • The Thinker & The Thoughts • Formulating Science • Culture & Its Changes • Which Love, Anyway?
[Issue 162: June/July 2024]


New Irish Thinking • Problems With Hume’s Problem • To Err is Transhuman • Feel Free to Critique Me • Thoughts in Time • Descartes Doing The Dishes
[Issue 161: April/May 2024]


Women Respond • Free For All • Not Silent About Zizek • Lucky Guesses • Certainly Uncertain • Move Along
[Issue 160: February/March 2024]


A Pool of Philosophical Reflections • Arendt versus Anti-Semitism • Entertainment, Ancient & Modern • Additional Maths Problems • Back To Reality • Both Philosophical & Vegetable
[Issue 159: December 2023 / January 2024]


High Impact Thinking • Computations & Cogitations • Postmodernism Lives! • (M)Eat To Live • Right & Wrong Still Debated • A Multiplicity of Meanings • A Quantum of Freedom • Letters from Women Readers
[Issue 158: October/November 2023]


Thinking About Ethics • Writing on Wrongs • Vaguely Agreeing • Other Voices • The Horror, The Horror • Artificial Intelligentsia
[Issue 157: August/September 2023]


Computations & Cogitations • Descartes at the Movies • On the Existence of Pot Roast • Beertification • Problems with Evil • Spread a Little Happiness • Do Stop Believing • Throw Me a Line • The Last Post • Time Left Unresolved
[Issue 156: June/July 2023]


Logic & Fallacies • Off the Rails Again • Theodicy Continues • Rolling Back the Digital Tide • Knowing Foucault Himself • Rubbishing Rubbish • Cicero Civilises Characteristically • Pluralism vs French Universalism
[Issue 155: April/May 2023]


Private Wittgenstein Dismissed • Vive La France • Men are for Dogs, Women for Cats • Sporting Chances? • Finding Further Fault With Foucault • Argument? What Argument? • Abandon Deism, or Abandon God? • God, Being & Time • On Creative Regret
[Issue 154: February/March 2023]


Cat’s-Eye World View • (Not) Theo Logically Yours • Foucault’s Evil Relativism • More Metaphysics & Mysticism • Seeking Principles In Ancient Greece • Highly Cultivated • Beware the Wrath • Resounding Echoes
[Issue 153: December 2022 / January 2023]

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