
Themed Articles: The Greeks

An Ancient Conversation About Motion

Matei Tanasă imagines the sort of conversation about change, motion, appearance and reality that philosophers were having in ancient Athens.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

Plato’s Myths

Neel Burton asks why the master reasoner turned to launching legends.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

The Pandemos

Michael Baumann imagines what a modern Socratic dialogue might be like.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

Aristotle’s Guide To Living Well

Lawrence Evans contemplates Aristotle’s argument that happiness is the ultimate goal of human life, and that it can best be found in philosophical contemplation.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

The Uses and Misuses of Socrates

Dennis Sansom says we shouldn’t be too quick to pluck philosophers out of their own historical contexts in order to put them into ours.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

Of Clouds & Shadows

Heiner Thiessen on Eratosthenes, Ancient Greek scientist.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]


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