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Philosophy on the Internet

There is a vast and growing amount of philosophical material on the Internet. Issue 13 contained an article by John Mann called ‘Philos-Surfing the Internet’, explaining where to find some of it. This page is intended as an update.

New Mailing Lists

A new mailing list has been started for people interested in the works of Mary Wollstonecraft (1759- 97). The first prominent English feminist, her most famous book was Vindication of the Rights of Women, published in 1792. To join the list, send an email saying “join wollstonecraft” followed by your full name to this address:


An existing list for feminists interested in religious matters has moved to a new home. The list is called FEMREL-L. and its owner is Kimberly Long (klong@phoenix.net). For more information, send an email containing the words “info femrel-l” to:


Christians on the Internet

After constant press reports about the immorality of the Internet and its infestation by legions of paedophiles and satanists, readers of a Christian persuasion may be relieved to hear of the existence of an organisation called Christians on the Internet (COIN). This ecumenical group of Internet users was launched at a meeting in Cambridge on 5th November. COIN’s treasurer is Philosophy Now contributor Gordon Giles, who writes “The driving force for the group comes from computer professionals who are Christians, and who wish to make their expertise available to the Church to ensure that a Christian voice is present in the new media.” Activities include designing designing web pages for churches. Membership costs £5 and details may be found on the Good Shepherd web page at: http://www.ely.anglican.org/parishes/chesgs

The World Wide Web

John Mann’s article passed lightly over the subject of philosophy Web pages for two reasons. Firstly, not all Internet service providers can give you full access to the Web (though it’s a safe bet that they all will in a year’s time). Secondly, if you can access Web pages properly, then you hardly need a guide to them at all. They are a joy to view, many of them containing very sharp graphics and being generally easy on the eye. They are mainly selfexplanatory to use (provided you can follow instructions like “click HERE for a biography of John Stuart Mill.”). Best of all they usually contain lots of built-in links to other philosophy Web pages. Once you’ve reached one decent page you will find yourself confronted with dozens of pointers to other pages, often with mini-reviews of what you will find there. The pleasure is in wandering around finding out for yourself what is out there. However, it does help to know where to start. Here, then, are addresses for three pages which are particularly good starting points for philosophical Webwandering.

Björn’s Guide to Philosophy http://www-und.ida.liu.se/~y92bjoch/sites.sites.html

University of Waterloo http://watarts.uwaterloo.ca/PHIL/cpshelle/philosophy.html

University of Liverpool http://www.liv.ac.uk/~srlclark/philos.html

The Liverpool site includes the Stephen Clark/Peter Morville ‘list of lists’ mentioned in the last issue. (Please ignore the address we gave you then – it was incorrect).