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Philosophy in Britain
Philosophy in Britain is an organisation devoted to the dissemination of information about philosophy in Britain. Our aim is a long-term one : we hope that in 10 years time the average Briton will have a much better idea of what sort of issue is of interest to a philosopher, of what sort of method is used by philosophers and of the skills imparted by the study of philosophy. We have four main target groups: (i) potential students (from traditional and non-traditional backgrounds) (ii) employers, (iii) other academics, (iv) the general public.
Philosophy in Britain is funded by the MIND association and by Norman Franklin Esq., (although we are always on the look-out for new sources of funds). Our organisation consists of a Central Office (at King’s College, London), and local groups distributed throughout polytechnics and universities around Britain. The local groups are responsible for disseminating information about philosophy to local schools, local employers, local representatives of the various media and local (lay) philosophers, whilst the Central Office takes care of overall organisation and national support for the local campaigners.
Philosophy in Britain is printing packs of information for employers, for schools and for the press, and is currently setting up a database on all aspects of Philosophy in Britain and of all those likely to be interested in such information (schools, philosophy graduates etc.). We have also bought two attractive display stands that can be borrowed by anyone who wants to promote philosophy.
If you would like to know more about Philosophy in Britain please write stating whether you are an individual, department, school or other, to:
Philosophy in Britain
Department of Philosophy
King’s College (London)
The Strand
London WC2R 2LS