Issue 37

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Issue 37: August/September 2002


“That Devil’s Madness”

by Rick Lewis


News: August/September 2002

Doubting Dads in DNA Theft • A Smack of Censorship • Bare-Skinned Broilers • Medical Microchips • No Perfume for Kitty


Armistice Day Reflections

Bob Sharpe asks what it is to die for one’s country.

Mutually Assured Destruction

With the conflict between India and Pakistan reaching a point of crisis, the threat of nuclear war is once again on the minds of many. Duncan Richter, Dylan Suzanne and Robert M. Martin discuss the logic behind the Cold War and the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction.

Return to Iron Mountain

David Limond takes a critical look at arguments in support of war.

The ‘War of Good Against Evil’

Raimond Gaita on racism, religion and the motives of suicide bombers.


Mirroring without Metaphysics

Michael Philips on truth and the Correspondence Theory.

Morality and Hot Mud

Arnold Zuboff replies to his critics.

Rehabilitating the Ad Hominem Argument

Should Bertrand Russell’s ‘skirt chasing’ be taken into account when thinking about his moral theories? Stephen Anderson argues that it might, in this reply to Tim Madigan’s criticism of ad hominem arguments.

The Atheist & the Foxhole

Catriona Hanley asks: Is God still dead?

The Dialectics of Faith & Enlightenment

Hegel has been enormously influential, but is notoriously difficult to read. In this new section, Peter Benson guides us through a series of typical Hegelian moves from the ‘Phenomenology of Spirit.’.

The Nature of Religious Belief

Chris Bloor replies to ‘Cutting God in Half’ by Nicholas Maxwell.

Top Marx?

Karen Adler reports on the ‘Return(s) to Marx’ conference at the Tate Modern in London.

Uncertainty and Public Policy

Richard Taylor tells us why public policies always go wrong…

Jacques Derrida

by Matt Williams


Andrew’s Literary Quiz

See if you can identify the authors of the following war-related passages.


M.J. Akbar

M.J. Akbar is the editor of The Asian Age newspaper and author of a new book, The Shade of Swords, in which he seeks to clairify the meaning of ‘Jihad’. He recently talked with Philosophy Now.



Invalid Arguments • Warmly Disagreeing • Women’s Rights • Of Guns and Philosophy • God and Meaning


Dear Socrates

Having returned from the turn of the Fourth Century B.C. to the turn of the Twenty-First A.D., Socrates has eagerly signed on as a Philosophy Now columnist so that he may continue to carry out his divinely-inspired dialogic mission.

Rightness and Rewards

by Joel Marks


Closure: A Story of Everything by Hilary Lawson

Sam Nico provides closure on a new book by Hilary Lawson.

Hegel: A Biography by Terry Pinkard

Ralph Blumenau immerses himself in a monumental biography of Hegel by Terry Pinkard.


Fritz Lang’s film Metropolis is a classic thanks to its timeless warning about the perils of technological mastery without social justice, says Scott O’Reilly.


Alice in Blunderland

Peter Rickman travels through the looking glass in search of some of philosophy’s pitfalls.

A Case of Fire

by Richard Lawson

How Will God Save the Queen?

by Chengde Chen