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Our twelfth lovingly linked labyrinthine labour of lexical legerdemain by Deiradiotes.


7 Lady! Stop! I am in a bad state. Or rather the other way round. (8)
9 Red Ray turns grey! (6)
10 Almost an oldie and once a goody. (5)
11 Damascene scientist is partly ignorant. (8)
12 In Latin, 18 across wrote piece priestess rearranged. (4,3,7)
15 Horn found in flesh of Aristippus. (6)
16 Marriage of fairy and Egyptian god produced leviathan. (6)
18 Queen’s father takes a cigarette and becomes an empiricist. (6, 8)
20 A vast distance from here to there. (8)
22 Strange thing, darkness. (5)
24 See slave in Corinth rally. (6)
25 Too fastidious, perhaps, maiden has new diamonds. (8)

1 Summary of Thorndike’s doctor: ‘Work, little sister!’ (8)
2 Horse is boss. (4)
3 Rudolf came and resurrected nominalism at Princeton initially. (6)
4 Some poems of Horace are mostly modest. (4)
5 It can be found to be true back in Elba, if I revisit it. (10)
6 Old character seen in top and bottom of bikini in Borneo. (6)
8 Shanghai reporters, perhaps? (5,4)
13 Green could be ‘Gaelic cool’? (10)
14 River Niger road rebuilt. (3,6)
17 Followers of Aenesidemus were a doubtful lot. (8)
18 Indian thinker seen in Chittagong and Hindupur. (6)
19 Start by reading your syllogisms out now for philosopher of Heraclea or Megara. (6)
21 Lazy Eric. (4)
23 Man is headless spy. (4)

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