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Our eighteenth educationally exacting etymological enigma engagingly expressively entwined by Deiradiotes.
1 Corrupt Meno’s tip? Favouritism. (8)
5 Boundless energy found in old ascetic? Quite the opposite. (6)
9 Famous optimist’s hollow brightness. (8)
10 See 14 down.
12 Before vehicle in Armenia. (6)
13 Work quietly on an area of medicine for antagonist. (8)
15 Modesty and language make a French philosopher. (6, 6)
18 Medieval philosopher who lost his marbles over a woman. (5, 7)
23 Plant milo mixed with mace. (8)
24 Artist cheers somehow. (6)
26 Rogue in opera’s called Figaro. (6)
27 Perhaps a Stoic, certainly fleet-footed. (8)
28 Cruel person in Mossad is traitorous. (6)
29 Hints of dogs and horses. (8)
1 See 19 down.
2 Something 15 thought. (6)
3 William and everyone confess everything. (4, 3)
4 Henry the mystic studied under St Oswald initially. (4)
6 Philosopher put a favourable interpretation on Australian article. (7)
7 Even aces curiously vanish. (8)
8 Dine out on a lot of tallow and kill oneself perhaps. (3, 2, 3)
11 A very quiet jumble sale holds an attraction. (7)
14 and 10 across Occupation of the British Tommy. (7, 6)
16 Ancient philosopher’s long poem on wild ox. (8)
17 Reduced to very small pieces as Leucippus might have done? (8)
19 and 1 down Diderot’s work on musical relations? (7, 6)
20 Someone like Soloviev heard to be in a hurry? (7)
21 Ledge of southern part of Switzerland. (6)
22 Difficult time of Locri’s Isidorians. (6)
25 Narcissistic response? (4)