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Our nineteenth nearly numinous knot of knowledge numerically knitted with nous by Deiradiotes.


1 Enlightenment philosopher-king, strangely earthly. (5,7)
9 Prisoners with something in common; battery perhaps? (9)
10 Kind of tube found next to a bull. (5)
11 Slip away somehow, please. (6)
12 A case of absence. (8)
13 Real meaning of vital principle. (6)
15 City (built by St Ambrose in part) with a lot of soul. (8)
18 King Edmund was a Puritan? (8)
19 Address of Puerto Rico philosopher. (6)
21 Rigorous Greek hero makes demand. (8)
23 If sum’s wrong, it’s a mystical thing! (6)
26 Crudely bump off Ulster tribe. (5)
27 Discerned, corrected, removed. (9)
28 Old man with old tractor is a philosopher. (4,8)

1 Author is snicked all over the place. (7)
2 Everybody in Virginia is a philosopher! (5)
3 A Neoplatonist, I can be found in a Syrian city. (9)
4 Singer of unusual tone. (4)
5 Perhaps she bit it for someone like Elijah? (8)
6 Priest as commentator on Aristotle. (5)
7 In a state of hopelessness, money may create a kind of contradiction? (8)
8 Trial or transaction? (6)
14 Kind of worshipper I roughly beat up afterwards. (8)
16 Sound produced by mixing two measures of rum with one of gin.(9)
17 I am gored badly. It’s a sign. (8)
18 Siren I captured in Pacific? On the contrary. (6)
20 Crazy Adam ran for a month. (7)
22 Bronze could be made from thorium, iridium and a bit of cadmium. (5)
24 River to be found in Sind (usually). (5)
25 Berkeley’s to be seen in dresses! (4)

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