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Our twenty-first frenzy of fiddled philosophical facts fantastically forced into a frame by Deiradiotes.


1 Stoic philosopher emerges from Cyprus shipwreck. (10)
6 King of nonsense? (4)
10 Biblical character appears in ancient obituary. (5)
11 Domineering manner of riding. (9)
12 Get into a tangle with strange she-men. (6)
13 Screen made from bits of red ores. (7)
15 Use this to improvise on a kind of pasta? (6)
16 Coins are scattered in this plan of action. (8)
19 Wretched slut died for old protesters. (8)
21 Display Arabic advertisement in Peru. (6)
24 Giant Iowa satellite. (7)
26 It’s especially good to find these on cakes. (6)
28 Stoic philosopher found amidst Periclean thespians. (9)
29 Picture of seraphim: a Gentileschi? (5)
30 Thin film director. (4)
31 Old Greek engineer confused Charmides with Eudemus initially. (10)

1 Roman statesman, thinker and turncoat. (4)
2 Outlaw, good fellow and violent criminal. (5,4)
3 Osbert and Edith have good posture. (7)
4 Old Sceptic begins putting you right regarding his opinions. (6)
5 Right to profit from American-French university college in Utah (8)
7 Record carrier’s surplice. (5)
8 Once again come across revised Verdi score. (10)
9 Unhappy archon ran a ferry service. (6)
14 Part of logic (not quite everything) forms a kind of philosophy. (10)
17 They follow the van at a distance. (9)
18 Homer apt to produce figure of speech? (8)
20 Collecting winnings without Gilbert. (6)
22 A theory of the soul in imam’s novel. (7)
23 Pulp fiction of Block? It’s Chekhovian! (6)
25 Greek character found in the taverna. (5)
27 Somewhere to eat something disgusting. (4)

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