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The Fiendish Autumn Crossword
Concocted by Mike Fuller.
1. He had Five Ways of proving something which according to some is incapable of proof. (6,7)
10. Muslim mystic sect. (4)
11. The illustrious… father of British Empiricism. (5)
12. Alternative symbolism for True and False, deriving from Boolean algebra. (1,1)
13. In Hindu philosophy, the syllable of God. (3)
14. There’s a lot of it about, according to a French existentialist. but it’s really nothing! (4)
17. Quite singly, the Absolute. (3)
18. Abbreviated form of ‘sum’, Anglicised. (2)
19. Perhaps an evil genius did this to Descartes. (4)
22. German school of psychology, much preoccupied with turning ducks into rabbits. (7)
24. See 16 down.
25. Father of Phenomenology. (7)
26. According to most moral philosophers, that S ought to do X implies that S … do X. (3)
27. Truth by some other name. (6)
30. The most important person in my world? (2)
31. It’s us in a plot against Platonist of sorts. (8)
32. A Cretan paradox. (4)
34. It’s in Latin! (3)
35. A short version of Modus Ponendo Tollens. (1,1,1)
1. Ethically, what one should do with the truth? (4)
2. Sharp instrument used by William on excessive entities (6,5)
3. See 23 down.
4. Contemporary American philosopher and logician. (5)
6. What the Foreign Office becomes when it can be seen but not identified, presumably. (1,1,1)
7. Duplicate ego? (Yes, yes, cried the sailor!) (1.1)
8. Leave out the ‘r’ and your argument becomes shaky? (4)
9. ‘Cogito ergo …’? (3)
13. Do philosophers ever give a satisfactory one? (6)
15. What devising philosophical crosswords can make you? (3)
16 & 24 across. A case of disjunction for a logician. (6,2)
20. Put O’Connor in front of the carts to produce a French philosopher? (3)
21. What you’d naturally say if you were on familiar terms with Ryle. (7)
23 & 3 down. Freddie the famous Verificationist. (2,4)
27. Favourite topic of French humanist philosopher? (3)
28. Being in Latin. (3)
29. Existential synonymy? (2)
30. The ambitious philosopher tries to draw one of all our thought (3)
31. Initially, Strawson. (1,1)
33. Contracted sum. (2)