Issue 73

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Issue 73: May/June 2009


The Spirit of Comics

by Charles Natoli


News: May/June 2009

Website digests philosophy papers • Teaching schoolchildren to think better • Philosopher Marjorie Grene dies, aged 98 — News reports by Sue Roberts


Comics and Philosophy

John Lent explores three dimensions of philosophy in 2D comics.

Thinking Comics with Danny Fingeroth

John Shelton Lawrence asks analyser of comics and the former editor of the Spider-Man range of titles what makes a superhero, philosophically speaking.



Yahia Lababidi stoically responds to the crunch in Daoist fashion.

Don’t Blame Adam Smith

Toni Vogel Carey says Smith never wanted the free market to be freely corrupt.

Forever Blowing Bubbles

Mike Fuller on the circular cause of the credit crunch.


Hitting Bedrock, Practicing Ethics

The birth of his son forces Miguel Martinez-Saenz to find out if being philosophical helps when it really matters.

The Question of the Meaning of Life: Answerable or Unanswerable?

Jeffrey Gordon wonders what it would mean to have meaning.

What Would Make The Best Society?

The following answers to this central philosophical question each win a random book.



Our twenty-seventh super-sophisticated semantic square, squashed sequentially by Deiradiotes.


Frank McLaughlin

Frank McLaughlin has worked on wellknown American newspaper strips including Nancy, Brenda Starr and Gil Thorp, and was a regular inker for Marvel and DC. His latest project with long time collaborator Dick Giordano is the graphic novel White Viper, which can be seen at ComicMix.com. He also teaches at Paier College in Connecticut. Jeff McLaughlin talks to him.

Michael Uslan

Michael Uslan is the executive producer of the Batman movies and is bringing other characters to the big screen. He donated his 45,000 comic book collection to Indiana University as a ‘thank you’ for his education. Jeff McLaughlin talks to him.



Robotic Responses • Beware of Derrida • The Myth Of The Myth • Swan And On • Suffering Is Good Shock • Mary Midgley Matters • Defending Dennett


Dear Socrates

Having traveled from the turn of the Fourth Century B.C. to the turn of the Twenty-First Century A.D., Socrates has eagerly signed on as a Philosophy Now columnist so that he may continue to carry out his divinely-inspired dialogic mission.

Pekaresque Adventures

Tim Madigan on aesthetics and identity in American Splendor.

Kant By Default (Shameless Commerce Division)

by Joel Marks

Why I Am An Atheist

Raymond Tallis examines his happy disbelief.


Education’s End: Why Our Colleges And Universities Have Given Up On The Meaning of Life by Anthony Kronman

Mark Huston ponders Anthony Kronman’s arguments about why universities don’t teach the meaning of life.

Soon I Will Be Invincible by Austin Grossman

Nick DiChario finds out what it’s like to be the bad guy.

The Death Of Socrates: Hero, Villain, Chatterbox, Saint by Emily Wilson

Alan Brody considers whether Socrates really was a philosophy hero.

The Dark Knight

Todd Walters reports on justice, rebellion and random acts of violence in Gotham City.


The Lost Dialogues: Mr Socrates

Michael Katz overhears Socrates’ private dialectic.

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