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Our twenty-ninth matrix of meaning meticulously mapped by Deiradiotes.


8 Sage with land is a fool. (8)
9 Linger in Monte Carlo – it eradicates blues. (6)
10 Kenyan Zarathustrian found in lake? On the contrary. (6)
11 Steal money in dish. (8)
12 Nilotic people begin new undertaking – extracting radium. (4)
13 Each island cooked Mexican food. (10)
15 Dugald’s broken swatter. (7)
16 Account with binders agrees. (7)
18 School’s bomber. (10)
19 Philip’s homework. (4)
20 A monastery’s lock-up. (7)
22 A shirk could be dissolute. (6)
23 Pithy, like a Private Eye editorial. (6)
24 Fatally hinder Harry changing sides. (8)

1 Thomas, the obscure head of the Catechetical School at Alexandria. (7,3,5)
2 Phony lawman ribs riled British philosopher. (7, 8)
3 Process another cod into something with several faces! (10)
4 Defer to Galloway party. (7)
5 French policeman spotted in off-licence. (4)
6 Philosopher with razor could be wacko: flail him, Mo! (7,2,6)
7 Outrageously, bursar tells nerd he’s a British philosopher. (8,7)
14 Burn awfully nice retina. (10)
17 Rattles badly frighten. (7)
21 Friar’s full. (4)

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