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Our thirty-fifth scintillating square of sophisticated semiotics sequenced snazzily by Deiradiotes.


1 Bishop of Cloyne had vision? Yes, in theory. (6, 8)
8 Billy could be Indian. (5)
9 Spartan lawman beat up ugly curs. (8)
11 Descendants of pigeon I mutilated! (7)
12 Red mineral once produced by Luxemburg, Cambodia and Spain? Right. (7)
13 ‘Behave in theatre!’ actress said. (5)
15 Tun can be eaten. (9)
17 Stoic cleans the mess. (9)
20 Novelist is an informer. (5)
21 A cat is married? Leucippus believed it. (7)
23 Note, note, note!!! This is not kosher. (7)
25 Like a mother, transparent (although not entirely). (8)
26 Old Pearl’s marriage. (5)
27 Our ‘star’ Sartre’s eccentric book on the philosophy of clothes. (6, 8)

1 Can someone like Euclid solve erotic enigma? (12)
2 Shinto believers concealed daggers. (5)
3 It’s explosive when Maxim meets John or Charles. (9)
4 Monarch, on balance, is frustrating? On the contrary. (7)
5 Political economist loved Lucy. (7)
6 Lords wreck Arles. (5)
7 Injured Kant sued Uruguay parliament. (9)
10 Old librarian and polymath knocked out senora’s teeth! (12)
14 A nomad ate cooked benign tumours! (9)
16 Find fault with a character in the Gita (a Buddhist
philosopher). (9)
18 Creature from Nottingham’s terrified. (7)
19 Old buckets produced by Iseult and American. (7)
22 Neon and xenon not gases? (5)
24 Mineral is found in county. (5)

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