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Our thirty-eighth box of beguilling brilliance bounded and balanced by Deiradiotes.
7 Moore’s greatest work, nearly his patrician epic perhaps? (9,6)
10 Plate they mended can be used to pass messages. (9)
11 E15 and E50 could both lead to freedom for Sartre? (5)
12 Dance on the way to hell. (5)
13 Peace plan comes from Ireland (both parts) with confidence. (9)
14 Philosophical saint gives reply to tree. (6)
16 In Scotland, sensitive Wittgenstein encounters Russell fornicating, so starts and faints! (6)
17 Flower found in Gilbert’s pinafore. (9)
19 Australian could produce Indian work with a nail! (5)
21 Initially Descartes ruled out intuition? That’s right. (5)
22 Attach too much importance to superior prize. (9)
23 Ghost with candelabra confused French philosopher. (6,9)
1 Cesspit always has space for lepers. (6)
2 Old senator is frolicsome with Oscar, I hear! (6)
3 Pithy saying of goat wasted with hemp! (8)
4 Tom was a man with a lot of teeth. (6)
5 Badly, I re-enact repeat performance. (8)
6 Dr Tyler’s willing to take part. (6)
8 Bavarian society on square in Blackpool? (3)
9 Callas, a softie, embarrassed old philosopher. (5,2,6)
15 Slogan of Greek hero when campaigning for this? (8)
16 See panic upset judgement. (8)
17 Warehouse in bay famous for its birds. (6)
18 Criminal Records Office is near village on the Isle of Man. (6)
19 Speak about poetry with energy and knowledge. (6)
20 Things to be done in Rome. (6)