Issue 84: May/June 2011
Philosophy For Children
by David Boersema
News: May/June 2011
Identity in computer games • Philosophy depts fight closure • Lévy and the Libyan rebels — News reports by Sue Roberts
“Can Animals Think?”: Talking Philosophy With Children
Robert Fisher finds wisdom in the mouths of infants.
How Children Made Me A Better Philosopher
Rory Kraft, Jr. tells us how philosophical thinking can be youthfully enhanced.
Picture Book Philosophy
Thomas Wartenberg explains his method of introducing philosophy to children.
The Challenge of Moral Education
Wendy Turgeon on ways of getting children to think about values.
What Would Socrates Say To Mrs Smith?
Susan Gardner gets some childcare tips from the wisest man in ancient Athens.
How Believing in an Afterlife Can Ruin Your Life
John Shand gives us a grave warning.
Let’s Abolish ‘Art’!
Mark Roberts gives an answer to the question of ‘Art’.
The Ever-Expanding Kingdom of Bull
Neil Greenspan takes an appalled glance at all the BS in academia and beyond.
The Facts of Life
Tim Wilkinson uses evolution to sort out his facts from his ‘mere theories’.
The Heideggerian Disruptions of Zippy The Pinhead
Ellen Grabiner ponders the bearable lightness of being a Pinhead.
Who Or What Am I?
The following answers to the question of the self each win a random book.
Our thirty-eighth box of beguilling brilliance bounded and balanced by Deiradiotes.
Peter Worley
Peter Worley runs The Philosophy Shop in London with his wife Emma. Rick Lewis asks him about teaching philosophy to kids.
What Is Life, Anyway? • Coerced Into Liberty • Strung Out Physicists • Divine Hope Dries Up • States Of Souls • Morality Lives On, And On • Poetic Morality
World Without Anger
by Joel Marks
Mathematical Platonism
Our philosophical science correspondent Massimo Pigliucci takes a dose of it.
Seeing Time
Raymond Tallis keeps his eye on time.
A Philosophy of Fear by Lars Svendsen
Mark Frankel thinks fearfully.
More Than Matter? by Keith Ward
Mark Vernon asks what the matter is with Keith Ward.
The Shorter Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Mark Cyzyk looks up a compact philosophy encyclopedia.
Caché (Hidden)
Babak Amou’oghli relates a tale of hospitality and hostility.
Sam Morris considers the odds of an odd meeting.