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Our very last lattice of logico-linguistic loopiness by Deiradiotes.


1 and 39 A novel about the remote vale? (3,4,7)
5 Pardon sailor’s perverted love. (7)
9 Grumpy has spirit! (3)
10 Produce nectar from a 24. (5)
11 Is Hill healthy? Sounds like it. That’s a plus. (7)
12 see 4 down
14 Detective in novel absolved writers. (4,5,6)
20 Where can I get something to wear on my head? In that shop. (4)
21 A means of escape from the Sloop John B? (4)
23 Ambush game, but not now. (5)
24 Turkey I’m following is fit! (4)
25 Romany woman has children with artificial insemination. (4)
27 Neapolitan composer takes in American lawyer and Renaissance man. (8,2,5)
34 Popular president spotted in Nairobi (Kenya). (3)
35 Train me to produce clothing. (7)
36 Religious leader comes from abbey in Indonesia. (5)
37 Begin to enjoy a drink. (3)
38 It’s so long! (7)
39 and 1 down Perhaps this autobiography was written in a cemetery? (7,2,3,4)

1 See 39 across
2 Make a mistake or blunder. (5)
3 Paton is drunk because the beer is like this? (2,3)
4 and 12 across A big friend of Dian Fossey? (5,3)
5 The colour of Camberwell. (5)
6 Where tablets have been dispensed in Egypt. (5)
7 Otis makes them for hikers? (5)
8 Young hound is coming in. (5)
13 He not only sang 39 but also… (5,4)
15 Donegan’s famous father collected rubbish. (7)
16 Nobleman in ecstasy runs sooner! (7)
17 From Norwich, I talk to somewhere in Kansas. (7)
18 Claim a hospital mutilated prophet. (7)
19 I am in Legoland! (3)
22 Perhaps Rousseau is naïve? (9)
25 Take pity on smelly shrub. (3)
27 Cyril’s composed poem. (5)
28 Give a view on work in Spain. (5)
29 Une année en Provence? (1,4)
30 Do the same thing. (5)
31 Adjust badge and take off trousers. (5)
32 Old antiquarian started valuing and restoring Roman objects. (5)
33 Snatch old boy: he’s an important person. (5)

Crossword Solution

Crossword Solution

This is our last crossword!

Many thanks for Deiradiotes over the last seven years for brain-stretching, mind-warping difficulties and conundra of the lexicographical stripe.

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