Issue 95

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Issue 95: March/April 2013


Policy & Reality

by Rick Lewis


News: March/April 2013

Machiavelli ‘wanted notice’ found • Rats swapping sense data via the internet • Ronald Dworkin dead — News reports by Sue Roberts



Sam Woolfe gives us a brief history of the idea that reality is unreal.

Kant at the Bar: Transcendental Idealism in Daily Life

Patrick Cannon uses a popular setting to explain Kant’s metaphysics.

The Ontology of Photography: From Analogue To Digital

Peter Benson on why digital photos aren’t reliable records of anything.

The Art of World-Making

Mikhail Epstein sees a bright future for metaphysics in the hi-tech age.


The Point And Perils Of Public Engagement

Michael Hand considers the pros and cons of courting media attention.

Interpreting The World, Changing The World

Onora O’Neill argues for the value of philosophical research.

Philosophy in the Workplace

Mark Addis takes philosophy to work on a building site.

The Acceptable Face of Philosophy

David Archard asks what compromises philosophers should be prepared to make in order that their ideas will be listened to.



Toni Vogel Carey on discovering interconnections.

Lying to Mother Teresa

Derek Harrison deceives a saint, and derives a moral lesson.


Kathleen O’Dwyer compares some competing conceptions of freedom.

Impractical Pragmatism

Tibor Machan argues that pragmatism cannot work in practice.

W.V.O. Quine (1908-2000)

Alistair MacFarlane on a long life looking into language and logic.



The Queen of Regency Morality? • A Matter of Rights • Against, And Yet For, Equality • Artless Science • Eternal Nietzsche • Inadequate Moral Responses • Intercontinental Philosophy War • Further Quantum Immaterialism


The Dancing Philosopher

Joel Marks Just Can’t Stop.

Draining the River and Quivering the Arrow

Raymond Tallis against the ‘flow’ and ‘direction’ of time.


In Defence of Wonder by Raymond Tallis

Daryn Green wonders at Raymond Tallis’s collection.

The Ajax Dilemma by Paul Woodruff

Massimo Pigliucci distinguishes justice from fairness in Paul Woodruff’s latest tome.

The Impossibility of Perfection by Michael Slote

Stephen Anderson asks Michael Slote if you really must be perfect to be moral.

Total Recall

Antony Tomlinson recalls Nozick’s Experience Machine.

A Theory of Justice: The Musical!

Ziyad Hayatli reviews a novel work of political philosophy.


Casey Days

Paul Lenehan reports the trials and triumphs of being temporally disconnected.


You Are Here

by Chris Madden

Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder