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News: November/December 2009

Bring me more brains, Igor • Public understanding of philosophy becomes respectable • Ordinary language philosophy revival? — News reports by Sue Roberts
[Issue 76: November/December 2009: News: 1 match]

The Hat

A short play by Zsuzsanna Ardó.
[Issue 75: September/October 2009: Fiction: 1 match]

Oedipus: A Thinker At The Crossroads

Eva Cybulska asks who Oedipus thinks he is.
[Issue 75: September/October 2009: Existentialism & Culture: 1 match]

Knowledge & History

On an evening out Grant Bartley realises the importance of perspective and hears George Soros talk about markets, ignorance and the Open Society.
[Issue 76: November/December 2009: Articles: 1 match]

Dear Socrates

Having traveled from the turn of the Fourth Century B.C. to the turn of the Twenty-First Century A.D., Socrates has eagerly signed on as a Philosophy Now columnist so that he may continue to carry out his divinely-inspired dialogic mission.
[Issue 77: February/March 2010: Dear Socrates: 1 match]

How We Got To Sesame Street

Tim Madigan remembers Tim Cooney (1930-1999).
[Issue 79: June/July 2010: Food for Thought: 1 match]

An edited version of an address delivered at Antony Flew’s funeral

by John Rogers
[Issue 79: June/July 2010: Articles: 1 match]

Two Priests Respond (I)

Rev. Dr. John R. Mabry opposes the New Atheist caricature of religion.
[Issue 78: April/May 2010: The New Atheism: 1 match]

Aristotelian Time-Share Salesmen

John Mann reviews The Recovery of the Soul by Kenneth Rankin
[Issue 4: Autumn 1992: Books: 1 match]

The Logic of Magic

Mike Fuller makes sense of magic as a system of thought.
[Issue 5: Spring 1993: Articles: 1 match]

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