

Results 1 to 10 of 533 for "film" (0.580 seconds)

Philosopher at a Film Festival

Thomas E. Wartenberg reports from the 22nd Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival.
[Issue 132: June/July 2019: Films: 73 matches]

Film Comedy

What became of the raucous laughter and inspired slapstick anarchism of the early silent comedies? Our regular film commentator Thomas Wartenberg traces the trajectory of film comedy from laughter to romance.
[Issue 29: October/November 2000: Films: 70 matches]

Philosophical Twist

Thomas Wartenberg tells us his hunch about a cunning plan to market DVDs. Is turning epistemology into showbiz a good thing or a bad thing?
[Issue 57: September/October 2006: Films: 66 matches]

The Many Passions of the Christ

Our man with the popcorn and the Aramaic phrasebook Thomas Wartenberg explains why so many people have a problem with Mel Gibson’s flay ‘n’ slay epic, and why so many others think it really is the greatest story ever told.
[Issue 46: May/June 2004: Films: 63 matches]

Bright Leaves

Thomas Wartenberg thinks about how real life keeps on breaking through as he watches Bright Leaves.
[Issue 52: August/September 2005: Films: 50 matches]

Violent Films: Natural Born Killers?

Matthew Kieran wants the censors to make his day.
[Issue 12: Spring/Summer 1995: Articles: 46 matches]

Film Socialisme

Sean Gittins has a different view of film, courtesy of Jean-Luc Godard.
[Issue 89: March/April 2012: Films: 46 matches]

Fahrenheit 9/11

Our film columnist Thomas Wartenberg laughs and cheers this year’s most controversial satire, Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11.
[Issue 47: August/September 2004: Films: 43 matches]

Reflections on the Death of Celluloid

Thomas Wartenberg looks at philosophy literally on film.
[Issue 104: September/October 2014: Films: 43 matches]

Before Sunset

Our philosophical film guru Thomas Wartenberg is charmed by Before Sunset but thinks it fumbles an opportunity to examine one of the genuine philosophical problems of growing older.
[Issue 48: October/November 2004: Films: 40 matches]

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