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Tag: "Descartes"

“What A Possessive!”: On Being Embodied

Raymond Tallis takes a good look at himself.
[Issue 112: February/March 2016: Tallis in Wonderland]

The Philosopher, The Priest, & The Painter by Steve Nadler

Massimo Pigliucci studies a portrait of Descartes.
[Issue 111: December 2015 / January 2016: Books]

Descartes versus Cudworth On The Moral Worth of Animals

Samuel Kaldas compares two views on the nature of animals and their implications for our moral responsibility towards them.
[Issue 108: June/July 2015: Articles]

You Are Here

by Chris Madden
[Issue 97: July/August 2013: Cartoon]

I Re-Read, Therefore I Understand

Kimberly Blessing tells us René Descartes’ advice on reading philosophy.
[Issue 94: January/February 2013: Reading, Writing, Thinking]


Heather Rivera dreams up a film review. Or does she?
[Issue 88: January/February 2012: Films]

Descartes’s Method of Doubt by Janet Broughton

Harry Bracken frets about Janet Broughton’s non-historical book on Descartes’ ideas.
[Issue 43: October/November 2003: Books]

The Matrix Reloaded

Our movie maestro Thomas Wartenberg plugs himself into The Matrix Reloaded but says that philosophically, it was destined to be dull.
[Issue 42: July/August 2003: Films]

Spooky Stories

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 42: July/August 2003: Editorial]

The Structure of Thinking by Laura Weed

Scott O’Reilly gets quite excited about a new book on the nature of the mind by Laura Weed.
[Issue 42: July/August 2003: Books]

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