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Tag: "John Stuart Mill"

John Stuart Mill & Harriet Taylor Mill on Equality in Marriage & Family

Lynn Gordon and David Louzecky compare the couple’s conjugal cogitations.
[Issue 154: February/March 2023: Articles]

Mill, Free Speech & Social Media

Nevin Chellappah asks whether John Stuart Mill’s famous account of free speech is still sustainable in the age of Twitter.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022: Articles]

John Stuart Mill

by Brandon Robshaw
[Issue 144: June/July 2021: Poetry]

Mill Meets Gandhi

Utilitarian philosopher John Stuart Mill worked for the British East India Company for 35 years. Long after Mill’s death, Gandhi led India to independence. Eugene Alper imagines a meeting of these two great political thinkers.
[Issue 133: August/September 2019: Fiction]

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

by Terence Green
[Issue 128: October/November 2018: Philosophical Haiku]

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

Alistair MacFarlane looks at a man who applied his thought to his life.
[Issue 126: June/July 2018: Brief Lives]

Mill, Liberty & Euthanasia

Simon Clarke argues that deciding when to die is a matter of individuality.
[Issue 110: October/November 2015: Liberty & Equality]

What is Liberalism?

Phil Badger guides us through the varieties of liberalism, historical and philosophical.
[Issue 82: January/February 2011: Articles]

Mill Matters Mightily

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 76: November/December 2009: Editorial]

On Liberty: An Introduction

Helen McCabe introduces John Stuart Mill on his own free will.
[Issue 76: November/December 2009: On Liberty]

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