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Tag: "Wittgenstein"

Dr. Gindi

Dr. Gindi, sculptor, has a philosophical conversation with Richard Baron about sensation, life, infinity and, you guessed it, sculpture.
[Issue 166: February/March 2025: Interview]

Saying, Keeping Silent & Showing

Slavoj Žižek on Wittgenstein and Cancel Culture.
[Issue 159: December 2023 / January 2024: Articles]

Wittgenstein: Stoppard’s Muse

Fergus Edwards finds Wittgenstein everywhere in Tom Stoppard’s plays, from Jumpers to Leopoldstadt.
[Issue 154: February/March 2023: Theatre]

Plaiting Gravy

Les Jones on allegories, specific domains and Wittgenstein’s social ideas.
[Issue 153: December 2022 / January 2023: Creativity]

Haus Wittgenstein, Vienna

by Herb Tate
[Issue 153: December 2022 / January 2023: Poetry]

Wittgenstein Plays Snooker

Peter Mullen reproduces part of Wittgenstein’s lost work, Bemerkungen Uber Die Grundsätzlichkeit Des Snooker.
[Issue 150: June/July 2022: Articles]

Time of the Magicians by Wolfram Eilenberger

This issue we travel back in time in Germany, as Leonid Bilmes uses words and symbols to consider the words and symbols of four famous ‘Weimar magicians’.
[Issue 146: October/November 2021: Books]

Wittgenstein & The War

Peter Adamson says one good thing came out of WW1.
[Issue 124: February/March 2018: Philosophy Then]

Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

by Terence Green
[Issue 120: June/July 2017: Philosophical Haiku]

Wittgenstein & Occam: A Philosophical Conversation

Christian Erbacher and Lu Jiang imagine a meeting between a modern and a medieval philosopher.
[Issue 111: December 2015 / January 2016: Articles]

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