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Tag: "analytic philosophy"

Truth By Analysis by Colin McGinn

Richard Baron analyses Truth by Analysis.
[Issue 104: September/October 2014: Books]

The Death of Pythagoras

Bruce Pennington tells us how Pythagoras became a has-bean, while another Bruce Pennington drew the portraits…
[Issue 78: April/May 2010: Fiction]

Peter Hacker

Peter Hacker is the leading Wittgenstein scholar at Oxford. Li Hong asked him about Wittgenstein and analytic philosophy.
[Issue 58: November/December 2006: Interview]

Jumpers by Tom Stoppard

Warren Allen Smith took at trip to Times Square to see a musical whodunnit about philosophical acrobats debating the existence of God. What else could it be but Jumpers by the profound and playful Tom Stoppard.
[Issue 49: January/February 2005: Theatre]

Western Philosophy on the Defensive

Thomas Metzger suggests that contemporary Chinese philosophy, despite its weaknesses, challenges the foundations of modern, Western analytical philosophy.
[Issue 26: April/May 2000: Articles]

Becoming Bamboozled

Chris Arthur reviews Robert E. Carter’s Becoming Bamboo: Western and Eastern Explorations of the Meaning of Life.
[Issue 11: Winter 1994/95: Books]

The Spirit of the Age

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 10: Autumn 1994: Editorial]

Foundations of Analytical Philosophy, Part 2: Logical Atomism and Logical Positivism

Daniel Hutto continues to explore the Analytic jungle.
[Issue 9: Summer 1994: Articles]

Foundations of Analytical Philosophy, Part 1: Early Analytical Philosophy

Daniel Hutto on the origins of a major 20th Century school of thought.
[Issue 8: Winter 1993/94: Articles]

On Dialogue

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 7: Autumn 1993: Editorial]

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